fight cancer
Supporting Local Lake Havasu Residents Fighting Cancer
The Heidi Edwards Cooking for Cancer Foundation is a non-profit organization providing short term financial assistance to patients and their families in their battle against cancer. Our mission is accomplished through organizing local fundraising events such as our famous spaghetti dinner and our new taco time, where local residents come together to generously provide donations that can be distributed directly to those in need.

Working today to change tomorrow!
Please know that 100 % of the proceeds go to local families of Havasu battling this dreaded disease.
Get Involved
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team! Thank You
For more information please contact:
Phyllis Rathburn
VP / Event Coordinator
Contact us
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.